Monday, April 15, 2013

Bordeaux House | Abstract Study 1: "The Part & The Whole"

My first abstract study focuses on my section from part a where I modelled the bookshelf. I have developed a series of drawings which serve to highlight and contrast the ability of the father on his moving platform and the rest of the family via the stairs to use the bookshelf. 

The inclusion of the scaled figures helps to portray the purpose of the architecture to facilitate a special type of family. The colours serve to illustrate the shelves each member of the family can and cannot reach. 

As you can see in the path of the elevator the father is able to access every shelf demonstrating the ability of the architecture to facilitate his condition. This is then compared to the family who use the stairs and are unable to reach the shelves in the path of the elevator demonstrating how it now inhibits access to certain people.