Monday, April 15, 2013

Bordeaux House | Abstract Study 2: "Formal Device - The Moving Platform"

My second abstract study focuses on the formal deice of the moving platform. The series of axonometric construction drawings serve to highlight the complexity of what seems to be a fairly simple structure.

The first image depicts the numerous control panels, wires and engineering aspects that exist in the elevator that allows its seamless movement between levels. Next is conceptual drawing illustrating the elevator in its three main stationary positions. And finally a section which further reinforces how simple the appearance of the elevator is. It is merely a rectangular platform and a circular shaft. It is reflective of the man’s condition in that his life would for many seem to become extremely complicated after the accident however through the formal device of the lift is made extremely simple. Therefore it represents what his life has become and how Koolhaas has captured this through the building.